What's The Difference Between the KP-60 and KP-55 Handpieces?

You may be wondering which handpiece to choose for your MANIPro Passport. The good news is, you really can't go wrong with either! 

We often recommend the KP-60 Handpiece as it is lighter weight and shorter in lengths. However, some techs do prefer something a bit larger and heavier. The KP-55 Handpiece will have extra weight & length. 



The KP-60 Handpiece (TOP) is 4.25 inches long, 0.8 inches wide, and weighs 4.23 ounces with 30,000 RPM. 

The KP-55 Handpiece (BOTTOM) is slightly larger and heavier at 5.35 inches long, 0.78 inches wide and 5.6 ounces at 30,000 RPM. 

These are basically the only differences, and we find that most of our customers are happy with either! 

Feel free to call us with any further questions at 1 (800) 994-5872 and email us at [email protected]


  • Mayisbell Zagas

    Tengo un dril kupa manipro K60 y cuando intento comprar en Amazon la controlbox me sale q es mani pro pasaporte es compatible con mi pieza kp60? De mano

  • Michele

    Does both handpieces have the same repair availability?

  • Michele

    Does either handpiece have vibration or what is the vibration intensity on a level of 1-5?
    I’m a beginner nail tech with a heavy ha d would the kp60 be better?

  • Rachael Wilson - KUPA

    @Sharon – Thank you for reaching out to KUPA. No we do not have payment plans available. Very sorry for this. Have a nice day! Thank you.

  • Sharon Liles

    Do y’all have a payment plan on Efiles?

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